Warianty tytułu
Accounting of Financial Instruments Based on the Example of Selected Option Transactions
Języki publikacji
"Opcje są bardzo popularnymi instrumentami pochodnymi w praktyce, ponieważ obrót nimi odbywa sie zarówno na rynku wtórnym, jak i pierwotnym." W artykule przeprowadzono klasyfikację instrumentów finansowych oraz przeprowadzono ogólna charakterystykę opcji.
This article presents issues related to the accounting of option contracts. Options are instruments used in speculation, arbitrage and hedging transactions. Owning options facilitates the safe maintenance of a defined market position by investors, producers and customers. The specific character of option transactions assumes in practice a form of linkage between various combinations of options depending upon the market valuation and - most importantly - provides the opportunity to create an unlimited number of various option strategies. Polish accounting regulations enable the presentation of classification methods, valuation methods, and registry techniques on option contract accounts. The options the author presents in theoretical examples are alternatively valued by purchase price and by fair value based on the market value, which depicts in a simple manner the differences between these two detailed valuation methods. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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