Warianty tytułu
Marketing Partnerships in Regions - Theoretical Issues
Języki publikacji
W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono partnerstwo jako nowy etap rozwoju marketingu miast i regionów. Następnie omówiono strategie i rodzaje partnerstwa podmiotów w układzie lokalnym lub regionalnym. W zakończeniu zaprezentowano marketingową strategię kształtowania partnerstwa podmiotów rynku regionalnego.
The author presents the principle of market (economic) partnerships - a special kind of relationship between parties in a buyer-seller transaction - that constitutes the basis for a new concept of marketing. The partnership between suppliers and buyers was largely analysed through a detailed identification of the characteristics and development trends of relationships linking economic parties. This article emphasizes the fact that these associations are the result of the targeted and deliberate long-term actions of both parties involved. The concept of partnership was applied to territorial marketing, with an analysis of the network of connections linking towns and villages to their main markets. Territorial partnership is treated as the target model of the marketing relationships between city and regional institutions and their internal and external clients. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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