Warianty tytułu
Research on Key Accounts' Expectations as the Accelerator of the New Industrial Products Creation Process
Języki publikacji
W artykule przeprowadzono charakterystykę nowych produktów przemysłowych. Wskazano na przyczyny zarówno sukcesów ich dostawców jak i niepowodzeń, wywołanych błędnymi decyzjami rynkowymi.
In this paper, the author focuses on the process of creating new industrial products, the significance of which is crucial to sustaining long-term cooperation between the supplier and customer. The innovation creation process, as well as the modification of existing products, ensure the supplier retains clients and guarantees the realization of the business development strategy. The author describes new products and cites both the reasons for their successes and failures caused by incorrect market decisions during the process of their commercialisation. The development of new products is time-consuming; therefore, in order to shorten the time needed to create them a process of generating integrated information about the key accounts was designed. This process constitutes a deeper view of creating value in supplier-buyer relationships. The examined process comprises six stages: defining the value for the client, the ethnography and observation of the client, the evolution of changes in value for the client, analysis of the product, monitoring technological breakthroughs and using experience gathered from mutual co-operation. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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