Warianty tytułu
The Spatial Differentiation of the Urban Settlements Network as a Determinant of the System of Shopping Centres (a Spatial and Demographic Analysis)
Języki publikacji
Zadaniem artykułu jest analiza przestrzenno-demograficzna miejskiej sieci osadniczej Polski w 2003 roku. Realizowane badania mają charakter wstępny i cząstkowy ponieważ dotyczą jednego z wielu czynników kształtujących system ośrodków centralnych (ośrodków zakupów).
The point of departure for studies on identifying urban shopping centrs is the urban settlement network. For this reason, the aim of this paper, too, is to present and analyse the spatial differentiation of the urban settlement network in Poland. This goal is realised through partial (details) goals, which can be presented in the form of questions as follows: what is the geographical distribution of towns and cities in Poland? Are their significant structural differences in the regional localisation of towns and cities? What is the level of spatial differentiation of the number of towns and cities and the populations that inhabit them? And what is the spatial distribution of the population of Polish towns and cities, also across regions? On the basis of rich empirical material, the author conducts several interesting structural analyses and draws relevant conclusions, thus answering the questions that reflect the partial goals mentioned above. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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