Tytuł artykułu
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Changes in the Urban Sefflemenf Nefwork in Poland as a Determinant in Shaping Urban Development Marketing Strategies
Języki publikacji
Zadaniem artykułu jest analiza zmian miejskiej sieci osadniczej Polski w latach 1980-2003. W pracy omówiono proces urbanizacji i jego fazy oraz przedstawiono analizę dynamiczną struktury demograficznej miast Polski
The goal of the article is to present and analyse the changes in the Polish urban settlement network over a relatively long period of time - 1980-2003. This main aim is achieved through more detailed (partial) objectives that may be presented as questions:
- What changes took place in the quantitative structure of the urban settlement network in Poland?
- How did the demographic structure of the urban settlement network in Poland develop?
- What kind of demographic development trends were observed in Polish cities? Based on abundant empirical material, the authors conducted a series of statistical analyses, which led to a set of conclusions on the changes in urban units of the settlement network in Poland, both in quantitative and demographic terms. Based on the assumption that the settlement network and demography are both important determinants of urban development, these results may serve as a starting point for other analyses, which in effect will enable the development of an urban development marketing strategy. (original abstract)
- What changes took place in the quantitative structure of the urban settlement network in Poland?
- How did the demographic structure of the urban settlement network in Poland develop?
- What kind of demographic development trends were observed in Polish cities? Based on abundant empirical material, the authors conducted a series of statistical analyses, which led to a set of conclusions on the changes in urban units of the settlement network in Poland, both in quantitative and demographic terms. Based on the assumption that the settlement network and demography are both important determinants of urban development, these results may serve as a starting point for other analyses, which in effect will enable the development of an urban development marketing strategy. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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