Warianty tytułu
Factors Affecting the Emergence of Synergy in the Volkswagen Group's Marketing Strategy in the Passenger Car Market
Języki publikacji
"Jednym z koncernów samochodowych, w którego działalności występuje zjawisko synergii, jest grupa VW, która przejęła SEATA (w 1986 r.) i Skodę (w 1991 r.)" W opracowaniu podjęto próbę przedstawienia czynników oddziałujących na powstanie zjawiska synergii w strategii marketingowej grupy VW na rynku samochodowym.
In this article, the author focuses on the factors affecting the emergence of synergy the Volkswagen Group's marketing strategy in the passenger car market. The concept synergy appears, inter alaa, in a take-over or merger of two companies. VW's take-over Seat (1986) and Skoda (1991) has been of great significance in improving the sales volume of Skoda in the European market. Factors conducive to the appearance of synergy include car advertising on televisi and in trade magazines. Of key importance are well-developed dealer networks, as well the creation of banks or leasing associations. It is possible to observe an interrelationship between advertising expenditures and the growth in sales of Skoda on the Polish market. While difficult to measure, social and cultural conditions undoubtedly have a significant impact on the decision to purchase a car. An analysis of the strategies of the VW Group and the Toyota Corporation reveals similarities. Both firms have global strategies and attach great importance to the implementation of quality systems and adherence to standards. An explanation of VW and Toyota philosophies requires reference to the cultures and traditions of Germany and Japan. In the 2000-2002 period, an economic slow-down took place - unemployment increased, fluctuations in exchange rates occurred, the cost of borrowing grew - which contributed to the collapse of the passenger car sales in Poland. Sales results from 2003, on the other hand, showed a recovery in the automobile industry, with 358,000 cars being sold. Factors conducive to car purchases may include GDP growth of 3.7 percent, the Monetary Policy Council's interest rate policy, and EU accession. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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