Warianty tytułu
Knowledge as a Source of Lasting Competitive Advantage of Trade Companies
Języki publikacji
Zadaniem opracowania jest wykazanie, że wiedza ma wiodące znaczenie dla kreowania przez organizacje trwałej przewagi konkurencyjnej. Analizę przeprowadzono na gruncie teorii zasobowej.
In this article, the author presents the role of knowledge in the creation of sustainable competitive advantage by trade companies as seen through various theoretical approaches of the resource school and their application in this branch. The author's description points towards the growing importance of knowledge, which is reflected in assigning it the rank of a key competency of the diversified organisation. The presented analysis (using as an example the development of the world's largest retail trade company - Wal-Mart) confirms that skills, competencies and key competencies of retail trade organisations are a source of sustainable competitive advantage. The conclusions point to the need to develop knowledge-based competencies and to develop organisations in areas that ensure the best utilization of these competencies. (original abstract)
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