Warianty tytułu
The Characteristics of Convenience Stores - Poland and the American Market
Języki publikacji
"Handel convenience to najogólniej mówiąc handel wygodny dla klientów, a prowadzące go placówki to miejsca często przez nich odwiedzane." W artykule omówiono kształtowanie się i rozwój sklepów typu convenience w USA oraz przedstawiono charakterystykę polskiego sektora sklepów typu convenience store (wygodny sklep).
In this article, the author concentrates on the convenience store, which is poorly defined and rarely included in commercial statistics. These popularly termed convenience stores may provide an opportunity for many firms in the small and medium-sized retail sector. Convenience stores have successfully operated in Europe and in the United States for years by, inter alia, addressing the everyday needs of local customers. In Poland, these stores are usually associated with petrol stations and are relatively easy to observe. The second group, on the other hand - neighbourhood stores, frequently referred to as corner stores - has not been adequately systematized and described. To this end, the author attempts to familiarise readers with the specific character of convenience stores in the developed American market and to capture the beginning of the development process of convenience stores in Poland. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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