Warianty tytułu
The Concept of Relationship Marketing in the Service Operations of the Public Postał System Operator
Języki publikacji
W artykule zaprezentowano kierunki wykorzystania marketingu partnerskiego w działalności usługowej publicznego operatora pocztowego "Poczty Polskiej". W pracy zwrócono uwagę na rolę technologii informacyjnej oraz na możliwości zastosowania Internetu jako narzędzia pomagającego w rozwijaniu dialogu z otoczeniem.
In this article, the author focuses on the relationship marketing concept and opportunities and barriers to its application in the service operations of the public postał system operator - „Poczta Polska" (Polish Postał Service). The author describes seven markets that arę important from the relationship marketing perspective and sets out tasks for the enterprise to complete in relation to each market. Later, the author presents the tools that the enterprise needs to use in order to achieve its goals on the specified markets. The author also focuses on the role of information technologies and the Internet i n the process of building dialogue with the enterprise's environment. In the closing section of the article, the author conducts an analysis of the enterprise, presents the stages for implementing the relationship marketing concept in the service operations of the Polish Postał Service, and lists the tasks that a service company focussed on its relationship with its environment needs to complete. (original abstract)
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Typ dokumentu
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