Warianty tytułu
The Impact of Transactional Analysis on the Shaping of Interpersonal Attitudes in an Organization
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu zwrócono uwagę na analizę transakcyjną, której stosowanie w życiu gospodarczym przyczynia się do skuteczniejszej komunikacji poprzez wprowadzanie aspektu partnerskości w relacjach międzyludzkich.
This paper attempts to draw the reader's attention to transactional analysis, the application of which in economic life significantly contributes to better, more efficient communication. As it introduces an aspect of partnership (mainly relevant to adults), transactional analysis should be viewed as a comprehensive and coherent concept that belongs to the science of interpersonal communication. Transactional analysis enables better teamwork without the need for one to abandon his or her individual style. It also allows for the elimination of obstacles in communication with a skillful presentation of unintelligible or contradictory information. The application of transactional analysis results in a better understanding of other people's problems and, importantly, makes it possible to overcome difficulties in discussing them (accessible terminology). Therefore, transactional analysis should be referred to, investigated and improved. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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