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2007 | nr 1154 | 193
Tytuł artykułu

Temporalna analiza otoczenia przedsiębiorstwa : techniki i narzędzia inteligentne

Warianty tytułu
Temporal Analysis of Enterprise's Environment : Intelligent Tools and Techniques
Języki publikacji
Omówiono konteksty analizy temporalnej otoczenia przedsiębiorstwa, wskazując na związane z nią problemy i zadania. Przedstawiono przykład dziedziny analizy temporalnej, a mianowicie bariery wejścia na rynek. Dokonano krytycznej analizy przydatności niektórych technik i narzędzi analizy otoczenia. Omówiono przydatność formalizmów temporalnych jako narzędzia formalizacji wiedzy o zmiennym w czasie otoczeniu przedsiębiorstwa. Scharakteryzowano proces tzw. hybrydyzacji temporalnej, przedstawiono modelowe ujęcie architektury temporalnego systemu inteligentnego oraz przykładowe procedury temporalnej analizy otoczenia przedsiębiorstwa, wraz z ich oceną.
The modern environment of any enterprise is complex, dynamic and suffers from turbulences. At the same time its role in formulating enterprise's strategy is more crucial than ever before. In our opinion classic decision support systems are nowadays not sufficient to help in strategy formulation. First, they do not support explicit temporal representation of a domain. This in turn leads to the omission of a very important aspect: time and change in the environment. Second, they do not support heterogeneous representation - a knowledge base is usually uniform and formulated (expressed) in qualitative or quantitative terms, not both at the same time. Therefore the main motivation for research presented in this book was to develop such a model of an architecture of an intelligent system that would be able to support temporal analysis of complex environment, and that would not suffer from weaknesses of already used systems. The main research problem is related to a proper representation of temporal heterogeneous knowledge. We propose an idea of using many different temporal formalisms in the representation layer of the system. In many works heterogeneous knowledge sources are assumed, but representation is uniform, that is, integration is done before representation. There are also hybrid systems, consisting of different tools/models/systems. In this book we assume that the system is not hybrid, but the knowledge representation is. For every group of environment's elements a different temporal formalism is chosen, according to the features of elements represented. Such assumption leads to several questions that need to be discussed, such as: structure of time, temporal integration or temporal reasoning process in the system. (short original abstract)
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