Warianty tytułu
Changes in Poland's Industrial Policy Due to the Systemic Transformation
Języki publikacji
Zadaniem artykułu jest ocena zmian w przemyśle polskim w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem górnictwa węgla kamiennego. W opracowaniu przedstawiono także zagadnienia dotyczące zakresu pomocy udzielanej przez państwo w celu restrukturyzacji górnictwa węgla kamiennego.
Industry in Poland was characterized by relative large and diverse production in the 1960s and 1970s. Nevertheless, it had an adverse structure. At that time, state-owned heavy industry such as coalmining and coal-based energy industry was preferred. Machine, electrical engineering and chemical Industries accounted for 40% of sold production, but those branches were obsolete. Production was planned by the government, and did not respond to market requirements. The economy suffered from high energy and raw materials consumption. The changes in the economy and political system occurred in 1990 against this backdrop. The first plan to of reform the Polish economy was abandoned, since it was impossible to liberalize the market at once. It turned out that the changes (reforms) in the Polish economy were so immense that they still required state intervention and industrial policy. Changes in the production structure and property structure became the main challenges. But this led to unemployment and social unrest. The situation was particularly bad in the coal industry, iron and steel industry, and armaments industry. Industrial restructuring has been carried out in Poland over the last 15 years, and it has brought measurable and long-lasting effects. The new challenges facing Poland are to develop high tech industry and stimulate competitiveness. One of the biggest problems now is to define of role of the state. Since Poland joined the European Union, new challenges, such as the scale of public subsidies and the competitive capacity of enterprises, have arisen. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA