Warianty tytułu
An Outline of the Anthropology of Immanuel Kant
Języki publikacji
W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono miejsce antropologii pragmatycznej w systemie filozofii Kanta. W dalszej części pracy przedmiotem badań jest człowiek, istota rozumna i samodoskonaląca się. Tematem ostatniej części artykułu jest osoba jako przedmiot moralności.
In the opinion of the author of Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, man differentiates himself from other living beings in his ability to perfect himself. This ability is played out on the basis of inborn qualities and dispositions (technical talents, pragmatic tendencies, moral endowments). The objective of this process is the "perfect rational being," i.e., a being that always and everywhere, without any compulsion, is guided by reason. This is the ideal to which a human in his or her earthly life can approach only to a limited degree. The crucial moment in the process of human development is the emergence of the reflexive consciousness, thanks to which one becomes a person. This special internal value also nas a moral dimension. It is only as a person that a human is subject to moral law. In his anthropology, Kant continues the tradition of the essentialist interpretation of man and comes out on the side of sensibility, consciousness, liberty and communion. This selection means both the avoidance of historical factors that extend beyond the sphere of unconscious reason, which may be treated as evidence of the one-sidedness of his concept. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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