Warianty tytułu
The Philosophical Meaning of the Concept of Acedia in Evagrius Ponticus
Języki publikacji
Głównym celem artykułu jest, po pierwsze przyjrzenie się koncepcji Ewagriusza, w takich granicach w jakich jest ona prezentowana. Po drugie zaś, rozważenie filozoficznej interpretacji acedii, oraz umiejscowienie jej w kontekście filozoficznym i ocena jej znaczenia dla pewnych rozważań z perspektywy filozofii człowieka lub wartości.
Evagrius Ponticus was a recluse living in the fourth century. For the purposes of ascetical practice, he described eight demons of evil - eight evil thoughts that possess the monk and lead him on a path of evil. Among these demons is acedia; this concept may be translated as ennui, sloth or idleness. This article is an attempt to respond to the question whether the analyses of Evagrius can be treated as philosophical texts and whether the monk's descriptions be useful in philosophical research into boredom. His ascetical writings reveal that acedia is described with an almost phenomenological insight, while his analyses of the experiences accompanying acedia are similar to research into consciousness and its acts that occurred many centuries later. However, attempts to translate the descriptions of acedia into contemporary philosophical language, and to understand the essence of this "demon" that hides behind yarious symptoms, is fraught with difficulties. In this article, the author devotes attention to these issues as well as to a presentation of the phenomenon of acedia itself. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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