Warianty tytułu
Legal Regulations on Influence Peddling in the Criminal Code of 1997
Języki publikacji
Kodeks karny z 1997 roku utrzymuje karalność płatnej protekcji a w art. 230 stanowi o karze pozbawienia wolności od 6 miesięcy do 8 lat dla osób popełniających przestępstwo płatnej protekcji. W opracowaniu omówiono szczegółowo regulacje prawne dotyczące przedstawionego zagadnienia.
In this article, the author discusses and analyses the legal aspects of the crime of influence peddling (article 230 of the Penal Code). This crime is committed by someone who, by purporting to have influence on a state or local government institution, international or domestic organisation, or on a foreign organisation with access to public funds or by evoking the conviction in another person or confirming him/her in the conviction of the existence of such influence, undertakes to intercede in arranging an issue in exchange for financial or personal benefit or the promise thereof. In the author's opinion, it is worth considering whether trading in influence without compensation is an act just as harmful with respect to the legal interests subject to protection when this crime is perpetrated. For these include dignity, proper and impartial operation, as well as the good name of state and local government institutions. The author contends that it should be assumed that for intermediation to occur when arranging a matter using influence peddling, agreement between the intermediary and the party interested in a favourable conclusion to the matter is essential. This results from the dictionary understanding of the term "intermediation." It should also be acknowledged that even a general claim of influence in a clearly specified state or local government institution, international organisation or domestic or foreign organisational unit with access to public funds would satisfy the criteria of this crime without the need for the perpetrator to mention the organisation's employees at all. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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