Warianty tytułu
Potential of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Języki publikacji
Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa działające na rynku chcąc sprostać wysokiemu poziomowi konkurencji muszą postawić na innowacyjność. Niedostatek innowacyjnosci w MiŚP jest poważną przeszkodą na drodze ich rozwoju. W artykule przeprowadzono analizę wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego potencjału innowacyjnego MiŚP, dzięki której uzyskać można informacje o aktualnych i przyszłych możliwościach podjęcia działań w zakresie innowacji.
The innovativeness of different types and sizes of companies is strongly associated with ability and motivation to search for, and take advantage of, scientific research, new ideas, inventions, prototypes of different products and new organizational methods, all of which can reinforce a company's competitiveness. In order to compete on today's market, companies have to be innovative. In general, the financial and organizational resources of small and medium-sized companies are limited, which is why, in this regard, they are not able to improve and develop their activities. The lack of innovativeness in SMEs is a serious barrier to their growth. This barrier is meaningful for countries due to the role SMEs play in every economy. In order to create an innovative environment for SMEs, the government supports a system of institutions and activities that reinforce SMEs' innovativeness and ability to grow. But the following questions arise: Could companies create an innovative environment within companies themselves? How effective is the system for supporting SMEs in this regard? How does the transfer of information and knowledge between institutions and companies look? This article presents a model for measuring innovation potential - both external and internal - which can be used to answer these questions.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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