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2006 | nr 731 | 309--324
Tytuł artykułu

Determinanty lokalizacji bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych na świecie

Warianty tytułu
Determinants of Location of Foreign Direct Investments around the Globe
Języki publikacji
Omówiono zagadnienie bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych w gospodarce światowej, głównie inwestycji dokonywanych przez koncerny globalne. Przedstawiono również czynniki determinujące przepływy kapitału oraz wielkość tych przepływów.
Globalisation has necessitated that investors make fundamental changes in their activities with respect to goal setting and implementation, as well as methods of operation. They must base their decisions on values characteristic of a global orientation, among which the following should be listed: openness, complexity, creativity, focus on results and the future, and cooperation. Under constantly increasing competition, capital flows to where the most favourable conditions exist for prospective profit. Given the fact that investments are one of the basic categories of division of the social product and the main determinants of socio-economic development of countries, and taking into account their technical, production, economic and social functions, it can be asserted that investments are one of the main determinants of the achievement of economic and social goals as well as an elementary condition for attaining economic growth. In highly developed countries, investments constitute a basic, "technological" factor determining the effective management of enterprises and maintenance of their competitive position on the market. Thus, the level and character of investments have a decisive impact on the development not only of countries but of individual enterprises as well. For this reason, too, in this article the authors present the issue of foreign direct investment in the world economy, in particular, investments conducted by global concerns. The authors present key factors determining capital flows and the magnitude of these flows. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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