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2007 | nr 1 | 8--14
Tytuł artykułu

Metodologia segmentacji międzynarodowej

Warianty tytułu
Methodology of International Segmentation
Języki publikacji
W miarę rozwoju teoretycznej koncepcji segmentacji rynku i jej praktycznych zastosowań, wykształciły się różne podejścia do badań segmentacyjnych. Szczególne znaczenie mają następujące modele segmentacji empirycznej: a priori, post hoc, hybrydowe (mieszane). (abstrakt oryginalny)
The objective of the hereby study is the proposal of manifold international segmentation as well as identification and systematization of possible model approaches to empirical segmentation. The complex international market segmentation concept was presented in the study. It covers four variants and integrates macro-, mezzo- and microeconomic levels. The macro- and mezzoeconomic segmentations are of vertical nature since they refer to all consumers inhabiting a respective group of countries or regions. On the other hand the microeconomic segmentation is called a horizontal one since the segment is understood as a group of consumers who are similar with regard to defined criteria but originating from different countries or regions. There were also assessed key conditions for the segmentation variant selection including: the level of market globalization of products offered by an enterprise and the type of carried out internationalization strategy. An attempt was taken up to identify and order fundamental approaches towards manifold international segmentation including "a priori, post, hoc" and hybrid models. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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