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2005 | nr 18 | 23--43
Tytuł artykułu

Przyszłość budżetu Unii Europejskiej - propozycje traktatu konstytucyjnego UE oraz debata nad perspektywą finansowa 2007-2013 - wnioski dla Polski

Warianty tytułu
The Future of the European Union Budget - the Proposals of the EU Constitutional Treaty and the Debate Concerning the Financial Perspective 2007-2013 - Conclusions for Poland
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono rolę budżetu UE i perspektywy finansowej w procesie integracji europejskiej. Omówiono szczegółowe rozwiązania w Traktacie konstytucyjnym w zakresie budżetu. Przybliżono priorytety nowej perspektywy finansowej 2007-2013 oraz korzyści i zagrożenia dla Polski w świetle zapisów budżetowych Traktatu Konstytucyjnego oraz propozycji finansowej 2007-2013.
Following the recent extension of the European Union by ten Member States and in the further perspective of successive accessions to the Community by Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, and in the future also Turkey and other Balkan countries, the question concerning the future EU budget and procedures of determining it becomes well justified. In case of the new Member States the disproportions between their real input in creation of the Community Gross National Income (GNI) and liabilities of the common budget caused with the financing of the process of their economic convergence. The process of the last and the future accession inevitably leads to the increase of the gap in economic development between the EU countries and regions, and geographical easter-nizing of the problem of the existing inequalities. Following the last extension, the number of the EU population increased by 30%, while the level of GNP increased only by 5%. This means a decrease in the GNPper capita by 12,5%, the increase of expenditures within the range of the common EU budget higher than the increase in its income, and doubling of disproportions in incomes between the rich and poor Member States. Recently, the debate concerning the shape of the budget for the years 2007-2013 has been carried out. It had begun a long time before the proposal of the European Commission published in 2004. The controversies concerning the size of the future European Union budget had already emerged during the Nice Treaty negotiations. The debate intensified, following the Communicate concerning the new financial perspective, issued by the European Commission in February 2004. The document included a general proposal of the EU budgetary reform in the context of implementation of the goals set up in the Lisbon Strategy, and the necessity to consider the specific character of the extended Union. The proposed solutions assume, inter alia keeping the top limit of the Union budget own funds on the level of 1.24% of the Gross National Income (GNI) of the EU. They also include the reform of the budget structure aimed at strengthening of actions characterised with the high value added on the Community level, and facilitating a growth in the EU competitiveness UE. The Commission proposal assumes also the increase of the budgetary discipline and budget flexibility, the reform of the correction system, and also introduction of a new income source in the form of the European tax. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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  • Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, Building our common future, Policy challenges and budgetary means of the enlarged Union for 2007-2013, COM (2004) 101 Brussels 10.02.2004.
  • Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, Financial Perspectives 2007-2013, COM(2004) 487 final, Bruksela 14.07.2004.
  • A fair solution to the UK rebate conundrum, Ideas Factory Europe, IDEA 3, at the initiative of the European Policy Centre EPC, July 2004, s. 10.
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  • F. Heinemann, The EU's budget: time to go back to basics, Centre for European Reform, Issue 27, December 2002/January 2003,, s. 1.
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  • A. Słojewska, Polska nie chce zabierać pieniędzy bogatym krajom, „Rzeczpospolita" 10.03.2005.
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