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Widoczny [Schowaj] Abstrakt
Liczba wyników
2007 | nr 735 | 143--154
Tytuł artykułu

Produktywność pracy i kurs walutowy a praktyka konsolidacji sprawozdań finansowych

Warianty tytułu
Labour Productivity, the Exchange Rate, and Financial Statement Consolidation
Języki publikacji
Przeprowadzone w niniejszej pracy badanie, mające na celu ukazanie kontrprzykładu falsyfikującego prawo jednej ceny w przypadku konwersji pozycji bilansowych spółek należących do krajów o odmiennych wartościach produktywności pracy, stanowi asumpt do rozwinięcia teorii konwersji umożliwiającej prezentację jasnego i rzetelnego obrazu kondycji finansowej grup kapitałowych. (fragment tekstu)
In this article, the author discusses the theoretical divergence connected with the foreign currency conversion standard, which constitutes a basis for translation. An empirical example of two companies - located in the United States and Poland and belonging to the same equity group-lends support to the conviction that using an exchange rate to determine the value of consolidated statement components is problematic. Other evidence of this is provided by the significant fluctuations in the dollar and euro to zloty exchange rates in the second half of 2004 and the impact of these fluctuations on financial statement entries. The empirical research on two companies from countries with diametrically different economic indicators confirmed that the law of one price functions in a very limited scope. The fact of the inadequacy of law of one price in the examined cases may be due to the huge difference in labour productivity in the two countries. Thus, it can be asserted that in the event of similar labour productivity in the examined countries, the law of one price could be acknowledged as the basis for the process of converting currencies in the financial statements of international companies. In this article, the author proposes a method to streamline the conversion process that indirectly takes into account labour productivity. The essence of the article is, however, the PPS theory, using the relationship of uniform baskets of goods and services that can successfully serve as a medium for translation used in preparing consolidated financial statements. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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