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2008 | nr 23 | 66--83
Tytuł artykułu

System powiązań Ameryki Łacińskiej z Indiami i Chinami we współczesnej gospodarce światowej

Warianty tytułu
The System of Links between Latin America, India and China in the Present-Day Global Economy
Języki publikacji
W ostatnich latach Chiny i Indie podejmują szereg działań w celu zacieśnienia współpracy z krajami Ameryki Łacińskiej. Chiny stały się dla krajów Ameryki Łacińskiej znaczącym importerem i inwestorem oraz partnerem gospodarczym. Proces zacieśniania stosunków gospodarczych miedzy tymi krajami jest dopiero w fazie początkowej, ale ich zakres stale się poszerza i prowadzi do nowego międzynarodowego podziału pracy. Kraje Ameryki Łacińskiej, Chiny i Indie odgrywają coraz większą rolę na forum międzynarodowym. W wielu ważnych kwestiach starają się występować wspólnie. Wspólnymi siłami bronią - na forum Światowej Organizacji Handlu - interesów krajów rozwijających się. Współpraca Chin i Indii z krajami Ameryki Łacińskiej pozwala na zwiększenie ich zdolności rozwojowych i umocnienie pozycji w globalnej gospodarce.(fragment artykułu)
The globalisation process that has taken place in different countries and regions over the recent decades indicates that joining the globalisation process may but does not have to contribute to the high economic growth; may but does not have to narrow the distance between the higher developed and the least developed countries; may but does not have to contribute to welfare and improved life quality of majority of people. The share of particular countries in the globalisation process and the globalisation grade of their economies are quite differentiated. The advantages and threats due to integration with the global markets are different, as well. Fairly much depends on the policy adopted to open the economy as well as on the strategy to integrate with the global markets. The experience from globalisation gathered over recent twenty years shows that there are different models applied to adjust to globalisation; and that the chosen integration strategies bring different results. Having applied an adequate policy, a number of developing countries achieved a high pace of economic growth and quickly caught up with the highly developed countries. Their stance in the global economy increased significantly (for example China and India). Other countries, despite that they had widely opened their economies (Latin American countries), have not been able to achieve a high growth pace. They went through serious financial crises, and their global stance did not improve. Having used huge advantages of globalisation, some countries adopted adequate policies to reduce poverty and improve the life quality of the major parts of their societies. In other countries, however, the poverty ratios have not decreased, but they indeed increased. In the article, the author is answering the following questions: 1. What are the experiences from adjustments to globalisation in countries of Latin America, China and India? 2. What are the effects of the opening of those countries economies, and what advantages have been achieved from the integration with the global economy? 3. What are the development perspectives of those new economic powers? 4. What are the reasons behind the increase of economic links between Latin American countries, China and India? 5. What are the opportunities and challenges for the Latin American countries emerging from the increased stance of China and India in the global economy? 6. Can the cooperation between Latin American countries and China, and India lower the dependence of this region on the U.S.A.? (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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