Warianty tytułu
Mass-Access Personalization by Means of Software Agents
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono podstawy wykorzystania spersonalizowanych, mobilnych, programowanych przez użytkowników agentów programowych. Opisano dotychczasowe sposoby wykorzystania agentów programowych, nowe metody programowania zachowania agentów przez ich właścicieli oraz nowe sposoby komunikowania się agentów.
The paper is devoted to a new idea of providing personalized software assistance. The approach is based on a distributed, scalable, and efficient framework of mobile, user-defined, imperatively programmed software agents executed in the scope of Agent Computing Environment ACE. The idea concerns "monitoring information changes at server- and network-side, and alerting users while something interesting happens", and providing "right information to the right person in the right form, and at the right place and time". What is "interesting" and what is "right" is programmed in the individual code and variables of the agents. The efficiency and flexibility of the implementation was proven during industry tests of two applications: a generic information system for the owners of mobile phones, and personalized support for the users of an e-bank. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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