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2008 | z. 119 | 63--80
Tytuł artykułu

Zróżnicowanie temperatury powietrza i prężności pary wodnej w mikro- i mezoskali na Pogórzu Wielickim

Warianty tytułu
Air Temperature and Vapour Pressure Spatial Patterns in Micro- and Mesoscale in the Wieliczka Foothills
Języki publikacji
Zanalizowano codzienne wartości temperatury powietrza i prężności pary wodnej (6, 12, 18 UTC) z lat 1978-1982 i 1999-2003 ze stacji i profilowych punktów pomiarowych na Stacji Naukowej IGiGP UJ w Gaiku-Brzezowej. Na omawianym obszarze znaczące różnice termiczne i wilgotnościowe, spowodowane urozmaiceniem rzeźby i użytkowania terenu, występują prawie wyłącznie w półroczu ciepłym i wybudowanie zbiornika wodnego nie miało na to wpływu. (fragm. oryg. streszcz.)
The data analysed consisted of daily measurements of air temperature and vapour pressure (6, 12 and 18 UTC) from the periods 1978-1982 and 1999-2003, from the station in Gaik-Brzezowa (Wieliczka Foothills, a part of the Carpathian Foothills). In the first period the station was located in a river valley, while in the second one, after the construction of the Dobczyce Water Reservoir, it was moved to the hill top. Apart from the main stations, the measurements were taken at the topoclimatic profile points. In 1978-1982 the measurement points were: Terrace, Slope, Forest, Hill top. In 1999-2003 those were: Slope, Forest, Hill top 2 and Reservoir bank. The period 1978-1982 was much colder than 1999-2003 (Table 2 and 4). However, the land use changes were much more significant than climatic fluctuations for the meso scale air temperature differentiation. Significant differences in air temperature and vapour pressure in the study area, due to the various relief and land use features, occur mainly in the warm half-year, regardless the construction of the reservoir. Air temperature spatial pattern is affected by both relief and land use, while the vapour pressure spatial pattern depends almost exclusively on land use features. The spatial patterns of air temperature and vapour pressure changed due to the construction of the water reservoir both qualitatively and quantitatively. In 1978-1982, the warm belt on the slope was an important mesoclimatic feature of the area, and after the reservoir construction it is still noticeable. However, the thermal and humidity sequence has been changed in some seasons and hours. The forest has its own mesoclimate and the impact of the reservoir is almost negligible. The minimum air temperature was raised by the reservoir at the hill top which decreased the differences between the forest and non-forested area. (original abstract)
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