Warianty tytułu
Opinion of Space Distribution Technical Infrastructure by Province
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono ocenę rozwoju wybranych elementów infrastruktury technicznej w Polsce według województw. Zaprezentowano analizę przestrzennego zróżnicowania infrastruktury, zarówno w skali kraju, jak i poszczególnych jednostek administracyjnych. Oceny dokonano za pomocą wskaźników nasycenia i łańcuchowego wskaźnika dynamiki.
The goal of this paper is opinion of chosen technical infrastructure elements development in Poland sorted by provinces. One of the most important problems, which should be in detail analyzed is space infrastructure differentiation, as well in state's range as in individual administration units. Space distribution will be planned using counted saturation index, and changes pace (increase) of individual infrastructure elements - by average chain dynamic index. Few years ago a technical infrastructure term was formulated, taken from French language consists of water system, sewer, wire phone network, gas networks and others. Without those elements of infrastructure, none of state's economy sectors could skillfully function. Every state gives basis for economical development and society welfare growth by proper terrains equipment of technical infrastructural devices. A big differentiate exists in infrastructure development in various European states. Moreover this differentiate is well seen in individual states complying their administration divisions. Poland in this matter is not behind form other European countries. This state characterizes big space differentiate in range of equipment of technical infrastructure devices. Made analysis of space elements and infrastructural devices distribution points at quantity and even quality disproportions. Researches made in this matter define not even presented quantity regions differentiate, but also point actions, which should be undertaken by self - government organs in order to assure social - economical development. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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