Warianty tytułu
The Principles of Commercialization of Higher Education Institutions' Intellectual Property in the Light of Common Practice and Polish Law
Języki publikacji
Tekst przedstawia prawne aspekty współpracy pomiędzy strefą badań i przemysłem. Jego celem jest wskazanie tych obszarów współpracy sfery B&R, które z punktu widzenia aplikacji przepisów obowiązującego prawa mogą okazać się wyjątkowo kłopotliwe. Podkreśla konieczność uwzględnienia w procesie opracowywania innowacji praw wszystkich zaangażowanych podmiotów – uczelni wyższych i jednostek badawczych, działających przez swoich pracowników, kształcących się w uczelniach studentów i doktorantów, jak i gotowych na wdrożenie innowacji przedsiębiorców. Wskazuje na najistotniejsze regulacje prawa powszechnego, służące ochronie własności intelektualnej, umożliwiające jej komercjalizację oraz sygnalizuje obszary, które wymagają doprecyzowania na poziomie bezpośredniej współpracy. (fragm. oryg. streszcz.)
The article presents legal aspect of the cooperation between the research sector and the industry. It emphasizes the necessity to acknowledge the rights of all parties involved in the innovation process - universities and R&D units (acting through their employees), the students, as well as the entrepreneurs, willing and able to implement innovations in their professional activities. The author indicates the most important national legal regulations, concerning the protection of intellectual property and allowing for its commercialization as well as shows the areas, which need to be specified at the level of direct cooperation. As the basic tool for achieving that aim the article indicates internal university regulations that set the rules for commercialization of research results. Such regulations are being implemented by more and more Polish higher education institutions. The text contains a description of necessary elements of such regulations as well as examples of model agreements accompanying those acts, which considerably enhance mutual cooperation between the research sector and the industry sector. The author puts special emphasis on the role of employee works in the process of technology commercialization as well as on the troublesome issue of commercializing the knowledge resulting of a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation. She also shows the recommended way of regulating a trilateral cooperation between the student, the university and the industry "ordering" a particular research topic. Finally, the author poses basic questions, that need to be answered by the entrepreneur himself before he sets off to cooperate with the academia. The text contains synthetic presentation of crucial issues in the field of intellectual property protection that are of importance to the technology transfer process. It highlights the necessity of a close liaison between the existent national IP regulations and the projected universities' internal regulations, as well as the importance of using the so-far existent national practice in the technology transfer sector. Only thanks to such evolution of the national practice is it possible to achieve a coherent national technology transfer system, that is satisfactory to both: the industry and the academia. (original abstract)
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Typ dokumentu
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