Warianty tytułu
The Prefinancing of Projects from State Budget Funds in the Form of Loans - an Opportunity for Local Government to Increase Absorption of Funds from the European Union (Illustrated using the Example of the 2004-2006 Regional Development Operational Program for the Małopolskie Voivodship)
Języki publikacji
Zaprezentowano jedną z możliwości finansowania programów unijnych zwaną prefinansowaniem. Ukazano procedury i wielkości dostępnych środków w ramach poszczególnych programów. Zwrócono uwagę na przebieg procesu rekrutacji wniosków na przykładzie ZPORR Województwa Małopolskiego. Pokazano problemy, których rozwiązanie poprzez odpowiednie regulacje prawne ułatwi korzystanie z pomocy unijnej.
This article presents the system of financing the tasks of local government from European Union structural funds, consisting in a set of legal norms that are part of European Union law, which determines the goals of regional policy and the cohesion of the European Union and also the regulations of member states containing detailed rules for the implementation of that policy. However, a prerequisite of receiving structural help is that the principle of additionally is observed, according to which the funds cannot replace the public resources of the member state. In connection with this, the European Commission and the given member state should establish the amount of public funds that the state should give to the regions for the implementation of programmes within the framework of particular funds. In this article, the author presents one of the methods of financing European Union programmes, known as prefinancing, which is illustrated using the example of the Regional Development Operational Program (ZPORR) for the Małopolskie Voivodship. From the conducted analysis, the conclusion can confidently be drawn that Małopolska is a dynamic region that possesses a huge potential for interesting projects. Unfortunately, this potential may be wasted, since the current system seems to be too centralized and the system of financing itself arouses numerous controversies due to shortcomings that undermine the transparency of public finances. It only remains to be hoped that further efforts to improve the process of pre-financing will bring about the desired results.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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