Warianty tytułu
Network Structure as an Instrument of Strategy Implementation
Języki publikacji
Zaprezentowano istotę, cechy i rodzaje struktur sieciowych, a także związki między typem konfiguracji struktury sieciowej a strategią. Wskazano zależność między rodzajem więzi międzyorganizacyjnej a typem realizowanej strategii.
In this article, the author advances the hypothesis that network structure is an effective tool of strategy implementation. Acting within a network enables strategic goals to be rapidly implemented. An appropriate type of network structure is a fundamental condition safeguarding an enterprise against loss of ownership rights in the course of cooperation and also a factor contributing to the effectiveness of its activities. The author describes the essence and features of network structures, types of network structures, types of network relations, and also the links between the type of configuration of network structure and strategy. The aim of the article is to present network structure as an effective instrument enabling any strategy that is realistic from the point of view of the environment or resources to be implemented.(original abstract)
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