Warianty tytułu
An Attempt to Identify Hidden Financial Transfers in the Water Management Sector
Języki publikacji
Celem artykułu jest próba identyfikacji i częściowej kwantyfikacji wybranych, ukrytych transferów mających miejsce w procesach gospodarowania wodą w sektorze komunalnym i rolniczym. Tak sformułowane zamierzenie jest jednym z niezbędnych elementów ekonomicznej analizy gospodarowania wodą, czyli kolejnego etapu wymaganego we wszystkich krajach członkowskich, w tym Polsce, w ramach procesu wdrażania Ramowej dyrektywy wodnej (RDW). Zaprezentowano metody badań pozwalające na obliczenie i oszacowanie skali subsydiów krzyżowych w grupie operatorów komunalnych na terenie regionalnych zarządów gospodarki wodnej (RZGW) w Krakowie.
The aim of the article was to attempt to identify and at least partly quantify selected, hidden transfers taking place in water management processes in the public utilities sector and agriculture. This aim is one of the essential components of an economic analysis of water management - i.e., it is a required stage in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, which affects all EU member countries, including Poland. The research allowed the author to present methods for calculating and estimating the scale of cross subsidies in a group of public utility operators within the territory administered by the Regional Water Management Board (RZGW) in Krakow - where the level of identified cross subsidies ranges from 1 grosz/m3 to 2.81 PLN/m3 of water sold. In the group of operators who balance revenues and costs thanks to the application of cross subsidies, the average value of cross subsidies is 0.43 PLN/m3. Cross subsidies are applied by at least 32% of operators supplying 51% of the water within the territory of the Regional Water Management Board in Krakow. Studies concerning the remaining, hidden transfers in the public utilities sector have not yet entered the operational phase in Poland; nonetheless, preliminary results are expected at the end of 2007. In the course of the research, the author was also able to establish the lower threshold of transfers to farms linked with the maintenance of irrigation systems (127 million PLN in 2005) and also to define the scale of state aid - in the form of waiving charges for use of water for agricultural purposes (about 44 million PLN annually). (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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