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2007 | nr 1190 Zrównoważony rozwój w teorii ekonomii i praktyce | 273--282
Tytuł artykułu

Wybrane aspekty zrównoważonego rozwoju obszarów przygranicznych na przykładzie działalności Euroregionu Glacensis

Warianty tytułu
Chosen Aspects of Sustainable Development in Borderlands on the Example of the Activity in the Glacensis Euroregion
Języki publikacji
Autorka scharakteryzowała Euroregion Glacensis, jako podmiot współpracy transgranicznej, realizujący założenia zrównoważonego rozwoju.
The Glacensis Euroregion is an entity which, by working towards its goals, contributes to the implementation of the sustainable development strategy in the Polish-Czech borderland. Most projects carried out in this region concern the issue of sustainable development. The analysis of projects pursued in the Glacensis Euroregion between 1998 and 2005 indicates an increasing interest in using community support. The projects, the priority goals, and ventures financed within the framework of the community initiative programme Interreg IIIA confirm the thesis that it is social activity that constitutes the most important area of interest in the Euroregion, whereas environmental issues and nature become the subjects of projects considerably less often. The increasingly more effective use of both EU financial support and the budget for running programmes aimed at fulfilling strategic goals of the region contribute to levelling disproportions in development. The spectacular results encourage the local community to increasingly more active participation in projects, which in turn leads to the formation of the attitude of social responsibility for the region and provides a foundation for information society. This easily noticeable trend shows that in the future ventures undertaken in the Euroregion will foster sustainable development in a broader sense and take into account all its dimensions, thereby reducing disparities between social, environmental, and economic spheres. (original abstract)
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