Warianty tytułu
The Balance between Private and Professional Life in Human Resources Management
Języki publikacji
Dynamika zmian w środowisku współczesnej organizacji ma również wpływ na zmiany zachodzące w organizacji, a tym samym ma wpływ na pracowników zatrudnionych w tych organizacjach. Przybliżono problematykę budowania równowagi pomiędzy życiem zawodowym a osobistym przez pracownika. Przedstawiono argumenty na rzecz pracownika, który wspierany przez swojego pracodawcę staje się bardziej wydajny. Omówiono zagadnienia konfliktu między domenami zawodową a prywatną, równowagi jako środka do osiągnięcia sukcesu i konsekwencji zakłócenia tej równowagi oraz metody osiągnięcia równowagi pomiędzy życiem zawodowym i prywatnym.
The dynamic of changes in the environment of modern organisations also influences the changes taking place within organisations and, consequently, has an effect on the staff employed in those organisations as well. Employees in organisations are increasingly facing the challenge of reconciling their professional life (career development) with their personal life. In resolving the dilemma of how to distribute the limited resource that is time, we often decide on a solution that is beneficial to our professional life, unaware of the fact that this solution may turn out to be inappropriate not only for us, but also for the organisation that employs us. An employee who lives under the constant stress of facing new challenges, instead of relaxing, devotes every free moment to work, becoming tired and frustrated, especially when he cannot cope with those challenges. Such an employee becomes less effective for the organisation, and may even expose it to losses - both material, e.g., lower profits, and non-material, e.g., the firm’s reputation. The aim of this article is to put forward arguments in favour of the employee being supported by his employer to solve this problem, not only for his own good, but also for the company’s good. The authors achieve this aim by discussing the following issues: the conflict between the professional and private domains, balance as a means of achieving success and the consequences of disturbing that balance, and the methods of achieving balance between one’s professional and private life. (original abstract)
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