nr 16 Finanse i rachunkowość - teoria i praktyka
Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
The Methods of Asian Crisis Overcoming - Chosen Aspects
Języki publikacji
Kryzys bankowy jaki wybuch w 1997 r. w krajach azjatyckich był bardzo poważnym zjawiskiem niosącym za sobą dalekosiężne skutki. Opracowanie omawia metody oraz działania mające na celu przywrócenie płynności banków i zaufania do systemu bankowego.
The main objective of this article is a presentation of the methods of East Asian crisis overcoming. The interventional activities used to meet this goal were proceeded in two directions: remedies consist in decreasing shrinking liquidity in banking system and methods concentrated on restoring confidence to the banking sector. The most important actions taken in order to restore liquidity in the banking system were liquidity support from the central bank and decreasing the level of banks financial reserves. Whereas the remedies directed on restoring confidence were as follows: enforcing deposit insurance system, financial support from international financial institutions (IMF, World Bank), and conducting the reforms of the banking system therein the programme of banks restructuring.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
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