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Usability in software manufacturing process
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W pracy przedstawiono przegląd podejść do zapewniania jakości użytkowej systemów informatycznych. Zaprezentowano historyczny rozwój modeli wytwarzania oprogramowania. Wyróżniono dwie grupy: klasyczną, wywodzącą się z inżynierii oprogramowania oraz zorientowaną na końcowego użytkownika. Przedstawiono różne typologie metod oceny oprogramowania oraz nakreślono aktualne problemy i potencjalne kierunki badań dotyczących przyjaznych systemów informatycznych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The paper present a review of Information system usability assurance approaches. The author de-scribes a historical development of software production models and divides them into two main groups. The first one, named classical, included fundamental computer program life cycles derived from software engineering. Waterfall, spiral and rapid application development (RAD) models were among approaches presented here. The second group comprised software manufacturing models oriented towards end users, in which particular emphasis is placed on usability. Within the confines of this group, the user-centered software design approach, recommended by the ISO/DIS 13407, was described first. Next, the author characterises star, Collins, simplified interaction design model proposed by Preece, Rogers and Sharp as well as comprehensive approach prepared by Mayhev. For the sake of big evaluation significance in individual life cycle stages, the paper contains various classifications and typologies of software assessment methods. Additionally, the author describes current research trends aimed at developing user-friendly computer programs and he identifies existing and possible problems in this area. (original abstract)
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