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2004 | nr 1014 Nowe kierunki w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem : między teorią a praktyką | 42--56
Tytuł artykułu

Co powinno być bazą dla pełnej teorii przedsiębiorstwa - zarządzanie czy ekonomia?

Warianty tytułu
What Should Be a Base for a Full Enterprise Theory - Management or Theory?
Języki publikacji
Przeanalizowano zagadnienie teorii przedsiębiorstwa. Przedstawiono zarządzanie jako bazę teorii przedsiębiorstwa. Wskazano na konsekwencje jakie niesie ze sobą brak teorii przedsiębiorstwa.
An enterprise category is understood in different ways and it is described by various scientific J disciplines. There is neither a generally accepted theory nor a definition of an enterprise. Interdisciplinarity, which was an advantage at the beginning, caused theoretical chaos. Without a conceptual „common denominator" an outcome of various disciplines is almost useless. That is why a suggestion appears: such a theory of an enterprise can be grounded on a base of disciplines (i.e. on a cohesive set of notions). The two most popular problems considering the approach of economy and management science and their output could be here. Both have their weak points. A weak point of the approach in economic science is a domination of neoclassical approach till now which creates an enterprise model based on very simplified principles, fails to take a lot of important quality factors into account and ignores things that take place in an enterprise. On the other hand the theory of organization and management uses different, not quite coherent set of notions and nowadays it can be found rather as a collection of different approaches and tools defined together as the science of management. However, the most serious weakness of an enterprise presenting in the management science is the defect of its approach to the analysis of an enterprise behaviour: the limitation to the managerial decisions level and to fail to take basic „enterprise-proprietor" decisions (corporate governance level) into account. As a result the author considers that economic science which includes great achievements of management science should be the basis of the enterprise theory building. Conservatism of economic environment which exists to a certain degree causes that attempts of such a synthesis are known in Poland as „enterprise science".(original abstract)
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