Warianty tytułu
Changes in the State Policies towards Foreign Direct Investment: from Protectionism to Liberalism on the Global Scale
Języki publikacji
Artykuł zawiera przegląd najważniejszych metod stosowanych przez różne państwa współczesnego świata w ramach oddziaływania na przepływy BIZ. Omówia instrumenty o charakterze protekcjoistycznym, a następnie narzędzia polityki liberalnej, mającej na celu przyciągnięcie zagranicznych inwestorów bezpośrednich do danego kraju.
The leading thought of the paper has been formulated by the author in the following way: a clear withdrawal from governmental restrictions on foreign investment capital to the advantage of a policy that stimulates foreign direct investment inflows has been widespread on the global scale for over two decades, and is integral to the prevalent process of the economic liberalisation. The author reviews the most important methods applied by different countries of the modern world aimed at influencing the foreign direct investment flows - instruments of a protectionistic nature, and further the tools of a liberal policy to attract foreign direct investors to a particular country. Within the conclusions, the author observes that in the post-war period a conversion took place from a protectionistic policy to a decisively liberal approach by national governments to foreign direct investment and transnational corporations. In the past, however, the approach of the 'closed door' to foreign investors was a matter of a very effective policy. Contrary, today the inflow of foreign direct investment depends above all on strictly economic factors (in particular the development level and the economic potential of a particular country). A state that provides an institutional and legal framework appropriate for the market economy and runs a transparent, reasonable and stable macroeconomic policy attracts foreign direct investment more effectively than by means of only granting special fiscal and financial incentives to foreign investors. The position of the host country governments clearly stronger influences the inflow of foreign direct investment than the relevant policy of a home country. We have to agree with the opinion presented by the UNCTAD experts that the majority of the less developed countries and countries under transformation did not reach up to now a development stage, at which an active governmental support for the foreign investment expansion of domestic companies would be desirable and justified from the economic point of view. (original abstract)
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