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2009 | nr 24 | 142--158
Tytuł artykułu

Funkcjonowanie systemu transportu lądowego w branży transportowo-logistycznej w Polsce w warunkach integracji europejskiej

Warianty tytułu
The Inland Transport System Performance in the Transport-Forwarding-Logistics Industry in Poland under Conditions of the European Integration
Języki publikacji
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza stanu i zarysowanie perspektyw rozwoju systemu transportowego w Polsce jako strukturalnego i funkcjonalnego elementu branży TSL, w sferze przewozów ładunków lądowymi gałęziami transportu (transportem samochodowym i kolejowym) w warunkach integracji europejskiej. W części pierwszej opracowania scharakteryzowano pojęcie branży TSL, a także pojęcie systemu transportowego jako podsystemu logistyki i tym samym elementu branży TSL. W części drugiej przedstawiono implikacje wspólnej polityki transportowej UE (WPT) dla warunków rozwoju lądowych gałęzi transportu w Polsce. Część trzecia stanowi ilościową i jakościową charakterystykę obecnego rozwoju systemu transportowego w sferze będącej przedmiotem analizy tegoż opracowania, zakończenie zaś zawiera próbę zwięzłej oceny polskiego systemu transportowego pod kątem zdolności dostosowawczych przewoźników do rosnącej konkurencji na integrującym się wewnętrznym rynku transportowym UE. Rozważania oparte zostały na analizie: danych statystycznych (głównie GUS i Eurostat), literatury przedmiotu, opracowań różnych instytucji ( ITS, NIK, ZMPD, BOTM) oraz wywiadach przeprowadzonych przez autora z przedstawicielami firm i organizacji transportowych.(fragment artykułu)
The Poland's accession to the European Union changed the commercial and legal conditions relevant to business activities in the field of broadly understood transport, forwarding and logistics services. This was seen in the international transport in particular as at the very first EU membership day the annoying customs controls of trucks transporting goods between Poland and the neighbouring EU countries had been lifted, and later the passport controls after the accession to the Schengen zone as of December 2007. The liberalisation of transport services and of the labour flow is the further element integrating the Polish transport and the whole transport, forwarding and logistics industry with the European Union economic system. An analysis of the transport, forwarding and logistics industry made separately for each of the segments brings to a conclusion that it is mainly transport that is a measure of the advance and quality of economic links between Poland and the European Union member states within the so called internal market. From the very beginning, transport has been not only a subject of integration activities (vide structural harmonisation of transport, liberalisation in the transport market), but also a tool of progress in integration efforts in other fields of the economic and social life. This particular role of transport implies necessity to continuously monitor the performance of the transport system and its development directions within the framework of changing structures and functional links of the transport, forwarding and logistics industry with the rest of the economy (manufacturing industry and commerce) in Poland and in other European Union member countries. The author examines the performance and development perspectives of the transport system in Poland, which constitutes a structural and functional element of the transport, forwarding and logistics industry in the field of cargo road and railway transport under the conditions of the European integration. The paper presents only the main aspects of the issues under consideration. The first part of the paper explains the term 'transport, forwarding and logistics industry', as well as the term 'transport system' as a subsystem of logistics and this way as the element of the transport, forwarding and logistics industry. The second part presents the implications of the EU Common Transport Policy for the creation of development conditions of inland transport modes in Poland. The third part constitutes a quantitative and qualitative characterisation of the inland transport system development, and the final part contains an attempt to shortly assess the Polish transport system with respect to the abilities of transport companies to adjust to the increasing competition in the internal EU transport market that undergoes the integration process. The author s considerations have been based on the analysis of statistical data (mainly from the Polish Main Statistical Office and Eurostat), the relevant literature, papers and works of various institutions active in the industry, as well as author's interviews with representatives of transport companies and organisations. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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