Warianty tytułu
The Causes of Inequalities Existing in the World
Języki publikacji
W artykule omówiono najważniejsze przyczyny nierówności występujących w świecie pod koniec XXI w. Są to: przyczyny ideologiczno-polityczne, ekonomiczno-społeczne, gwałtowny przyrost demograficzny, ambiwalentność postępu technicznego i naukowego oraz przyczyny następstw kulturowo-cywilizacyjnych.
The World of the 20th century is a mosaic of many contradictions. On one hand all spheres of human life are developing at a historically unprecedented rate, which results in rising living standards of industrialized countries that are well developed. On the other hand, there are regions of poverty and hunger that are difficult to determine arc at the same time an ailment on the conscience of modern man. The state of so economic and cultural inequality between countries and even individual groups at society has not only with held for decades, but is constantly rising. Development disproportions, differentiating state of possession have been the se of numerous tensions and conflicts. In the meantime attempts of solving the problem by various social movements have proved fruitless. It is common knowledge that result as a symptom has its cause. To make the causes diagnosis one must not only discover the symptoms but also the causes. Hence, the following propound outlines causes of inequality in the world. Such are ideological-political as well as socio-economic causes. It portrays the role played by the rapid demographic rise. It shows ambivalence of technological and scientific progress, and sheds light upon the sour current inequalities within civilizational and cultural causes. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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