Warianty tytułu
Ethics as the Praxiological Value
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono znaczenie postaw etycznych w życiu społecznym oraz historię odpowiedzialności społecznej organizacji gospodarczych. Omówiono dwie zasady Andrena Carnegiego: zasadę miłosierdzia i zasadę włodarstwa. Ukazano wpływ etyki na efektywność organizacji oraz stosowanie zasad etycznych w biznesie.
Ethics in the aspect of companies' functioning is not the incidental phenomenon but the universal feature of changes that take place in the world, especially in the sphere of organization and management of big corporations or concerns with international range. In short, ethics is worthwhile, ethics is praxiological value. The companies that will not go by the rules of ethics but only by the thirst of profits are sentenced to failure, to defeat. The good example of the assertion above is the phenomenon of boycott of Shell's petrol stations in Germany after incidents in Nigeria in 1995. Shell's involvement in Nigeria led to the repression of local population that inhabit the areas where the oil is obtained (the people of Ogoria). As the result the authorities of Nigeria in 1995 led up to execution of nine activists who defended Ogoria, among them one nominated to the Nobel Prize for Peace. This consideration can be concluded: the sooner bosses, managers understand the fact that money and morality do not exclude each other and ethics is profitable, the better for companies and for themselves. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Marczuk S., Orientacje wartościujące nauczycieli w III Rzeczypospolitej, WSP, Rzeszów 2001.
- Raport "Gazety" i portalu www.gazeta.pl z dnia 9, 16, 23.09.2002 r.
- Stoner J., Kierowanie, Wiedza i Życie, Warszawa 1997.
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Typ dokumentu
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