Warianty tytułu
The Mechanisms of Generating Disparities and the Posssibilities of Counteracting Disproportions in the Globalising World Economy as well as in the Regional Economic Groupings
Języki publikacji
W artykule zaprezentowano teoretyczne podstawy procesu globalizacji i jego ekonomiczne implikacje. Omówiono również proces regionalnej integracji gospodarczej. Przedstawiono formy regionalnej integracji gospodarczej oraz ich charakterystykę. Ukazano istotę, przejawy i skutki przeciwdziałania nierównościom rozwojowym w krajach Unii Europejskiej oraz skuteczność realizacji polityki regionalnej i strukturalnej.
Article deals with the main mechanisms of disparities and disproportions in the world economy as well as with possibilities of their reduction within global and regional context. Theoretical and practical aspects are discussed. First part deals with theoretical basis of globalization process and its economic implications. Then theory of regional economic integration is overviewed with special regard to its economic consequences (allocation, accumulation and localization effects). Theoretical and practical aspects of possibilities to reduce various disparities in the world economy as well in the regional economic groupings are discussed in part III. Next, essence and results of regional economic policy of European Communities' member countries are presented. Final part contains some conclusions with special regard to Conclusions for the respective authorities in Poland. (original abstract)
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