Tytuł artykułu
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Extent of a Satisfaction in Needs of Households with Families Biological Incomplete in a Field of Children Education Comparing to other Types of Households
Języki publikacji
W artykule omówiono w jakim stopniu odmienny charakter rodzin monoparentalnych (samotnych matek lub ojców) wpływa na zaspokojenie potrzeb edukacyjnych. Przedstawiono cechy gospodarstw rodzin niepełnych, ich sytuację finansową oraz możliwość korzystania z zajęć nadobowiązkowych przez dzieci z tych rodzin. Omówiono również jak obecna sytuacja społeczno-gospodarcza wpływa na realizację tych potrzeb w gospodarstwach domowych rodzin niepełnych biologicznie.
Analysis of individual budgets of households data and data gathered from research program 'Diagnoza Społeczna 2000' which was carried out, revealed that chosen social-demographic and economic variables exerted an influence on discussed in analise aspects of realization needs in children education field in different kind of households, they also affected changes made in expenses for educational purposes, and expected changes in that range. Families biological incomplete defined as a single-parent-families, which is lonely mother's or father's are characterized by specific features of both social-psychological and economic character. This last group of factors which distinguish a situation of incomplete families and proper for them households reflects in different income situation and specific consumption as a result of that. It is also stated that economic condition of that kind of households and extent of satisfaction in educational needs doesn't differ basically from situation in that range in complete families, and is even more profitable in comparison with a group of families with many children's households. (original abstract)
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Identyfikator YADDA