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2007 | nr 181 | 238
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Kreowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej w handlu detalicznym

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Creating Competitive Advantage in Retailing
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Główna rolę w kreowaniu SCA (trwałej przewagi konkurencyjnej) na rynku odegrały działania mające na celu stworzenie wyróżniających zasobów. Na rozwój firmy oddziaływały zarówno czynniki wewnętrzne jak i zewnętrzne rozwój powiązań sieciowych. Największą rolę wśród strategii konkurowania odegrały strategie cenowe oraz jakościowe (marketing, pozycjonowanie i wizerunek oferty). Trudności sprawia utrzymanie osiągniętej przewagi konkurencyjnej, wymaga bowiem elastyczności działań zaś rosnąca skala handlu internetowego powoduje problemy utrzymania wykształconych kanałów dystrybucji.
The inspiration for this study is the rapid growth of retail enterprises that has taken place over the last thirty years. The discussion centres on the hypothesis that the spectacular successes of retail companies, now operating worldwide, are due to the resources created by them; the aim is to identify these resources and to prove that they have been the source of sustainable competitive advantage (SCA). The study shows that when the retail market is fragmented - as was the case in highly-developed countries until the 1970s - retail enterprises arc able to create competitive advantage by introducing new retail formats, e.g., department stores, supermarkets, discount stores. Resource development is linked to the process of concentration in retailing, which allows for the creation of scarce, valuable (rent-generating), firm-specific resources that cannot be easily imitated or substituted. Such resources as own brand product, information technology, logistic centres, brand and organizational culture, really matter if they are applied and combined in a way that results in capability differentials. Supply chain management and marketing management are the basic capabilities of retail companies, allowing them to sustain competitive advantage. The process of retail enterprises creating sustainable competitive advantage can now be observed in Poland. Foreign companies have brought into the Polish market innovative formats and now create resources that will let them successfully compete in the future. If domestic enterprises want to stay competitive, they have to develop similar resources on the one hand, and on the other use their strengths, e.g., knowledge of the Polish market, to differentiate them from their foreign rivals. It should be stressed that although this study is rather retrospective in character, it tries to identify factors that nowadays are increasingly influencing the development of retailing and its position in value added chains, determined by its resources.(AT)
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