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The European Union in India's Foreign Policy
Języki publikacji
Po zakończeniu zimnej wojny Indie - dążąc do głównego celu swojej polityki zagranicznej, jakim było uznanie ich przez inne państwa za mocarstwo regionalne, a w przyszłości globalne - były aktywnym uczestnikiem stosunków międzynarodowych, zarówno w wymiarze politycznym, jak i gospodarczym. Mimo wielu słabości (głównie wewnętrznych, wysokiego poziomu ubóstwa, analfabetyzmu), New Delhi prowadziło politykę zagraniczną o zasięgu globalnym. Jednym z przejawów międzynarodowej aktywności Indii było zacieśnienie i próba redefinicji stosunków z Unią Europejską. Wzajemne stosunki determinowane były przez uwarunkowania wewnętrzne, regionalne i międzynarodowe. Relacje te należy analizować głównie w kontekście transformacji porządku międzynarodowego u progu XXI w., aspiracji mocarstwowych Indii oraz chęci odgrywania większej roli w świecie przez Unię Europejską. (fragment artykułu)
India's international strategy was determined by the end of the Cold War as well as by the process of globalization and other factors, both internal and external. One of the aspects of India's foreign policy has been about redefining its relations with the European Union resulting in closer ties between the two. The author presents cultural, political and international circumstances and background behind development of these relations. Also analysed are the essence of and constraints experienced in India-EU relations in the context of transformation of global order at the dawn of the 21st century. Finally, these relations are assessed in the context of India's major-power aspirations and its vision of contemporary international order. At the turn of the 21st century relations between India and the European Union began to grow beyond the very area of economy and into the field of politics. India regarded its relations with the EU as multi- faceted process no longer restricting them - as it was during the Cold War period to economic cooperation. Political cooperation became institutionalised, resulting in the establishment of EU-India summits and in signing of a strategic partnership agreement in 2004. However, India's decision on involving in strategic partnership with the European Union in fact hardly went beyond declarations, occurring of little relevance in terms of formulation of that country's international strategy for the post-Cold War period. Divergences became obvious in attitudes towards such political and economic matters as principles of use of force in international relations, the issue of unilateralism or international nuclear regimes, agricultural subsidies or protection of intellectual property. While admitting having some important values in common with the EU, at the beginning of the 21st Century India has not really come to regard the EU as its true strategic partner. Neither the society of India nor that country's political and business elites have perceived the European Union as any superior-level entity. The India's vision of the world and its international strategy were obviously focused upon strengthening its relations with the United States and with East Asia. This is a serious challenge for the India-EU relations and perhaps this is an evidence of a need to redefine them, so that they really reflect aspirations of both parties. (original abstract)
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