Warianty tytułu
Actions to Improve the EU Decision Making Process
Języki publikacji
Omówiono główne determinanty procesu decyzyjnego w UE. Pokazano hybrydową postać Unii Europejskiej jako jeden z głównych motywów reformy procesu decyzyjnego.
The well extended and barely transparent system of institutions functioning in the EU is not self-made. It was shaped as the result of the fifty five year activities of the European Communities. Its framework was made by the treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community. The treaty made the High Authority (Haute Autorité) the major body of this grouping. It was equipped with that time unprecedented competencies in decision making that directly bound the member states. The treaty founded also an intergovernmental body - Special Council of Ministers with significantly modest competencies than those given to the supranational High Authority. Also an interparliamentary body - the Common Assembly and a tribunal - European Court of Justice were established The basic solutions related to the institutional system of the EC/EU currently in force had been however adopted in the Rome Treaties that founded two new Communities: EEC and EAEC (Euratom). The High Authority was replaced by Commissions that simultaneously had been declined most of the supranational powers enjoyed by the Highest Authority. The main entities equipped with decision making competencies directly binding member states became councils and intergovernmental bodies representing member states. Alongside the Treaties founding EEC and EAEC a Convention on certain institutions common to the European Communities had been signed, on the power of which, within the ECSC the Common Assembly (at present the European Parliament) and the European Court of Justice had been established. They became the common bodies for ECSC, EEC and EAEC. The foundations of the decision making model, which in its basic solutions prevailed until now and are in force in the EU, had been set up in the EEC (EC) Rome Treaty. The carefully shaped decision making system was in fact fully efficient when it regulated cooperation within a narrow grouping - limited to six member states - founders of the Communities. Following extensions of the Communities' and later EU membership brought as a consequence the significantly stronger than before differentiation of economic and political interests of the member states and posted new tasks ahead the institutions. The author explains them broadly and points out changes that could make the EU decision making process more effective. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- J. Barcz, Poznaj Traktat konstytucyjny, WPiPG, Warszawa 2005, s. 23.
- A. Całus, Kilka uwag w sprawie aktów prawnych w projekcie konstytucji dla Europy, w: Polska-Unia Europejska (materiały z konferencji), red. E. Kawecka-Wyrzykowska, SGH, Warszawa 2004, s. 199 i nast.
- C. Herma, Najważniejsze postanowienia systemowe Traktatu Konstytucyjnego Unii Europejskiej, część I, „Biuletyn Analiz UKIE" 2004, nr 14, s. 15.
- E. Kawecka-Wyrzykowska, Narodowe regulacje na rynku wewnętrznym UE: nowe bariery we współpracy, Unia Europejska w gospodarce światowej - nowe uwarunkowania, SGH, Warszawa 2007, s. 160 i inne.
- K. Michałowska-Gorywoda, Podejmowanie decyzji w Unii Europejskiej, Scholar, Warszawa 2002, S.119.
- P. Świeboda oraz J. Barcz, w: Traktat reformujący Unię Europejską. Mandat Konferencji Międzyrządowej - analiza prawno-polityczna. Wnioski dla Polski. Materiały z konferencji ekspertów - 11 lipca 2007 r., red. J. Barcz, Warszawa 2007.
- R. Trzaskowski, Dynamika reformy systemu podejmowania decyzji w Unii Europejskiej, WPiPG, Warszawa 2005, s. 307.
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