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The handbook is addressed to students and academic teachers specialized in international relations, international economic relations, and international organizations. Main aim of this publication was the presentation of some aspects of functioning of the international organizations which were presented as the basis for further discussion during the lectures. The conception of this publication is based on the classification of international organizations on three different levels: global, regional, subregional and on the other side: on world-wide and European level. The publication consists of two topics: - European regional organizations, like: The Council of and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), - European subregional organizations: Central European Initiative - CEI, Nordic Council, The Barents Sea Economic Cooperation - BEAR, The Council of the Baltic Sea States - CBSS, Black Sea Economic Cooperation – BSEC. Apart from the European Union, the integration process and integration groups are not presented in that publication because they are separate elements of the world economy - since 90ies the role of integration groups is much higher than international organizations, which is connected with the globalization and the liberalization process. (original abstract)
Podręcznik jest zaadresowany do studentów i wykładowcy, których specjalizacją są stosunki międzynarodowe, międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze oraz organizacje międzynarodowe. Głównym celem publikacji jest przedstawienie niektórych aspektów funkcjonowania organizacji międzynarodowych, co ma stanowić podstawę do dalszej dyskusji podczas wykładów. Publikacja przyjęła podział według klasyfikacji organizacji międzynarodowych na trzech różnych poziomach: globalnym, regionalnym, subregionalnym oraz biorąc pod uwagę wymiar ogólnoświatowy i europejski. Publikacja omawia dwa tematy.
- Europejskie organizacje regionalne, takie jak: Rada Europy i Organizacja Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie, OBWE
- Europejskie organizacje subregionalne: Inicjatywa Środkowoeuropejska (ISE), Rada Nordycka, Rada Regionu Morza Barentsa (BEAR), Rada Państw Morza Bałtyckiego (CBSS), Organizacja Współpracy Gospodarczej Państw Morza Czarnego. Pomijając zagadnienia związane z Unią Europejską, proces integracji i grupy integracyjne nie zostaną zaprezentowane w publikacji, ponieważ są odrębnymi elementarnymi gospodarki światowej - od lat dziewięćdziesiątych rola grup integracyjnych jest znacznie przewyższa rolę organizacji międzynarodowych, co ma związek z globalizacją i procesem liberalizacji. (AT)
- Europejskie organizacje regionalne, takie jak: Rada Europy i Organizacja Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie, OBWE
- Europejskie organizacje subregionalne: Inicjatywa Środkowoeuropejska (ISE), Rada Nordycka, Rada Regionu Morza Barentsa (BEAR), Rada Państw Morza Bałtyckiego (CBSS), Organizacja Współpracy Gospodarczej Państw Morza Czarnego. Pomijając zagadnienia związane z Unią Europejską, proces integracji i grupy integracyjne nie zostaną zaprezentowane w publikacji, ponieważ są odrębnymi elementarnymi gospodarki światowej - od lat dziewięćdziesiątych rola grup integracyjnych jest znacznie przewyższa rolę organizacji międzynarodowych, co ma związek z globalizacją i procesem liberalizacji. (AT)
Słowa kluczowe
- 11 Heads of Government and Several Deputy PMs Gather at CEI Summit in Piestany. CEI Newsletter November 2005, No. 37.
- 9 SEF Final Report - Tirana/Albania, November 22-23, 2006. Ninth CEI Summit Economic Forum: Fostering Reforms and Innovation for Sustainable Growth, p. 3.
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- A Huge Responsibility - Partnering with the world's newest country - interview with the head of Mission in Montenegro. "OSCE Magazine" December 2006. The newly independent Republic of Montenegro took its seat in the OSCE's main negotiating and decision-making body on 22 June, making its debut on the international stage as the OSCE's 56th participating state and the first newcomer since Andorra signed up in April 1996.
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- Adriatic-Baltic Landbridge: Assessing North-South Transport Connections. "CEI Newsletter" June 2006, No. 44.
- After the separation of Serbia and Montenegro, only Serbia is the member of the BSEC and therefore the total number of the BSEC members is still twelve
- Agenda for the 6th Baltic Sea States Summit in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 8, 2006.
- Albania in BSEC: H.E. Lulzim Basha, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania: Albania: A Co-founder of the BSEC. [in:] Black Sea Economic Cooperation: Fifteen Years of Regional Activity (1992-2007) - Views by Foreign Ministers and Heads of BSEC Institutions. International Centre for Black Sea Studies - ICBSS, Athens 2007, pp. 19-24.
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- Aliboni R.: Globalization and the Wider Black Sea Area: Interaction with the European Union. Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, The Official Journal of ELIAMEP - The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy "Southeast European and Black Sea Studies" June 2006, Vol. 6, Iss. 2, pp. 157-168.
- Ambassador Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos - Secretary General of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic: BSEC Is Giving Priority to the Big Infrastructure Projects for 2007-2011" - interview to Marina Kourbela published in Greek Newspaper "Express" February 18, 2007.
- Analisis of Statistics 2007, 31.12.2007 - Chart 3, Andreev S.A.: The Future of European Neighbourhood Policy and the Role of Regional Cooperation in the Black Sea Area, The Official Journal of ELIAMEP - The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy. "Southeast European and Black Sea Studies" June 2008, vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 93-108.
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- Annual Report from the Committee of Senior Officials. The 14th Year of the Council's Activity 2005-2006 - presented at the Baltic Sea States Ministers' Deputies Meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 7, 2006, p. 10.
- Annual Report from the Committee of Senior Officials. The 14th Year of the Council's Activity 2005-2006 - presented at the Baltic Sea States Ministers' Deputies Meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 7,2006, p. 39-40.
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- Annual Review of the CEI-EBRD Cooperation. "CEI Newsletter" April 2005, No. 32.
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- Armenia in BSEC: A. Vartanian: Armenia's Participation in the Globalization Processes. The Central Asia and The Caucasus. "Journal of Social and Political Studies" 2006, No. 1(37).
- Article by Ambassador Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos, Published in "The Bridge".
- Assembly of European Regions Supports Economic Development in Southeast Europe. "CEI Newsletter" October 2006, No. 46.
- Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik in her address to the Permanent Council on February 2, 2006, "OSCE Magazine" July 2006.
- Aydin M., Fazlioglu O.: The Turkish Policy towards the Wider Black Sea Region and its Chairmanship of the BSEC (May - October 2007) [in:] Unfolding the Black Sea Economic Cooperation-Views from the Region. "ICBSS Xenophon Paper" July 2007, No 2 pp 129-140.
- Azerbaijan in BSEC: H.E. Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azebaijan: The BSEC: Towards New Horizons of Cooperation: A View from Azerbaijan.
- Bacik G.: Turkey's New Geopolitical Narrative. The Central Asia and The Caucasus. "Journal of Social and Political Studies" 2006, No. 3(39).
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- Bienczyk-Missala A.: Problemy mniejszości w Kosowie. "Biuletyn PISM" 2008, nr 8(476).
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- Blackburn R., Polakiewicz J.: Fundamental Rights in Europe: The European Convention on Human Rights and its Member States, 1950-2000. University of Oxford, Oxford 2001.
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