Warianty tytułu
Factors Governing the Rise in Value of Residential Property
Języki publikacji
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie uwarunkowań wzrostu wartości nieruchomości mieszkalnych. W pracy wyjaśniono istotę wartości rynkowej, określono elementy otoczenia rynku oraz dokonano klasyfikacji czynników wpływających na wartość rynkową nieruchomości. Identyfikacja czynników może skłonić właściciela nieruchomości do podjęcia świadomych działań zmierzających do utrzymania bądź zwiększenia wartości nieruchomości. (fragment tekstu)
Residential property is a very specific good. It can be an investment vehicle, constitute a source of income, or, above all, be used by its owners for their own purposes. However, regardless of how a property is used, it is always part of the owner's assets and, for this reason, a rational owner, in managing these assets, will always seek to increase its value. The aim of this article is to present the factors governing the rise in value of residential properties. In the first part of the article, and the author identifies the nature of market value and the factors that influence it. In the second part, she describes elements of the property market environment that determine how the residential property market functions. In the final part, the author classifies the factors that determine the market value of properties. She identifies four groups of factors: physical, social, economic and legal. She determines which of these factors are internal, i.e., related to the nature of the property itself, and which are external, i.e., arising as a result of the impact of the property environment. Furthermore, the author identifies which factors have a direct and which have an indirect impact on market value, and identifies which factors are dependent and which are independent of the actions of the owner. By identifying the factors that influence the market value of a property, the owner may undertake deliberate measures aimed at maintaining or increasing its value. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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