Warianty tytułu
Markets of High -Technology Products - Selected Implications for Market Orientation
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono problem integracji marketingu z innymi sferami zarządzania jako aspekt orientacji rynkowej. Omówiono uwarunkowania działań marketingowych w branżach nowoczesnych technologii.
Today’s information-intensive economy places increased importance on high-technology products, and this is shown in high-tech firms’ increasingly expanded role in the global economy. Markets of high-technology products are characterized by a combination of the specific attributes. As a result of these characteristics, marketing management should be adapted to effectively handle the complicated environment in which customer decisions, and the firm’s marketing decisions are made. Especially marketing must be effectively integrated with other managerial areas. In this context the paper focuses on the value of being market-oriented in high-tech markets. The need for integration marketing function with other management areas is formulated and explained. The conclusions are added to provide some recommendations for high-tech companies how to integrate marketing with other management areas.(original abstract)
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