Tytuł artykułu
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The Markov Switching GARCH Models in Modeling of the Time Series Volatility of Capital Market
Języki publikacji
Celem artykułu było porównanie własności modeli przełącznikowych MS-GARCH na podstawie wybranych szeregów czasowych danych finansowych polskiego oraz zagranicznych rynków kapitałowych. (fragment wstępu)
The Markov switching GARCH models are the alternative in modeling of the time series volatility. The switching specification allows to distinguish some states (regimes) for condition mean and for condition variance. The process has a different mean and variance in every state. The MS-GARCH models differ from the GARCH models in the concept of the volatility modelling, because they better describe sudden and short changes in the process. The Markov switching models can include a various type of the innovation condition distributions. This paper is the property comparison of the models such as GARCH and MS-GARCH with the different condition distribution (normal, t-Student and skew t-Student distribution) to the modeling and the forecasting of time series volatility (Polish and foreign financial markets). (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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