Tytuł artykułu
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Application of Downside Beta Coefficient for Risk Assessment Based on the Example of Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Języki publikacji
Celem artykułu było porównanie dolnotronnych miar ryzyka z klasycznymi miarami ryzyka w kontekście całkowitego i systematycznego ryzyka inwestycji kapitałowych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie. (fragment wstępu)
The article is a continuation of studies on application of semivariance to stocks portfolio building and verification of Sharpe's single index model. Classic and downside beta coefficients are compared and the total risk is estimated by variance and semivariance. For high average rates of return semivariance shows significantly lower total investment risk than the variance. Generally downside beta coefficients are lower than the classic coefficients. Downside beta coefficients allow the assessment of reaction of a given company to changes in the stock exchange index in case of unfavourable market situation. The unfavourable market situation is considered to be a decrease of the stock exchange index rate of return below the risk-free rate. The studies show that there are companies in the market that react less pronouncedly to stock exchange situation in case of unfavourable market situation than indicated by classic beta coefficients. For low (high) average rate of return companies downside beta coefficients are higher (lower) than classic betas. Companies showing positive skewness of rate of return react less pronouncedly to index changes when the market rate of return is lower than the risk free rate for the entire studied period. It is noticed that in case of high average rates of return or strong positive skewness, classic betas could overestimate the systematic risk. In case of low average rates of return or strong negative skewness classic betas could underestimate the systematic risk. (original abstract)
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