Warianty tytułu
Marketing Audits in the Era of Globalisation
Języki publikacji
Celem publikacji jest próba rozeznania wpływu globalizacji na kształt audytu marketingowego – jednego z najbardziej rozbudowanych narzędzi oceny i doskonalenia wykorzystania marketingu, postrzeganego tradycyjnie jako jeden z obszarów funkcjonalnych zarządzania działalnością przedsiębiorstwa. (fragment teksu)
The marketing audit, as an element of strategic marketing control (which also includes the ranking of marketing effectiveness, assessment of marketing excellence, and assessment of corporate social and ethical responsibility) encompasses all aspects of a company’s market activities. In this article, the author analyses the fundamental impact of globalisation on marketing audits. Aware of the fact that globalisation affects many elements of the marketing audit, such as the goals of analytical procedure, the scope of the conducted audit, the problem of obtaining data and the choice of auditor, the author focuses on broadening the way in which the audited entity’s environment is perceived. For if within that environment a global market can be identified, the question arises as to whether and when the conditions of the analysed company’s sector will create an opportunity to apply the instruments of global marketing strategy in order to enjoy the benefits of globalisation. The answer to this question seems to be key in the context of the fundamental goal of the marketing audit, namely, to find out whether the undertaken decisions and realised marketing activities are the best option in light of the identified changes in the environment. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
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Typ dokumentu
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