Warianty tytułu
Public Scheme Reserve Funds: Chosen Experiences, Foreign Recommendations
Języki publikacji
W artykule omówiono fundusze rezerwowe w ujęciu historycznym. Przedstawiono typologię i zadania funduszy, ich źródła zasilania oraz politykę lokacyjną. Scharakteryzowano Francuski Fundusz Rezerwy Emerytalnej (FRR), Narodowy Fundusz Rezerwy Emerytalnej w Irlandii (NPRF) oraz Fundusz Rezerwy Demograficznej.
Many developing countries in and outside of Europe have recently established special institutions for pre-funding social security benefits. The main reason for this is the future funding requirements for the basic pension system to be covered by the government. Expected demographic trends indicate that there will be rapid growth in the number of people enjoying almost 30 years of retirement. The author analyses main trends in investment policy reserve funds in Ireland and France and makes recommendations for the rebuilding of the Polish Demographic Reserve Fund. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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- Galbraith J.K., Ekonomia w perspektywie, PWE, Warszawa 1992.
- General Investment Policy Guidelines, FRR, Paris 2009.
- National Pensions Reserve Fund, Annual Report and Financial Statements 2008, Dublin 2009.
- Newlands Ch., The French State Pension Reserve Continues to Thrive, and Potentially Disruptive Stock Market Correction of Last Year, EPN European Pensions and Investment News, 12.07.2007.
- Scheme Reserve Funds: Helping Sustain PAYG Pensions, Survey Report, ISSA, 2007.
- Rymsza M., Elastyczny rynek pracy i bezpieczeństwo socjalne. Flexicurity po polsku? Warszawa 2005.
- Szumlicz T., Oszczędzaj na emeryturę^ PIU, Warszawa 2009.
- Yermo J., Governance and Investment of Public Pension Reserve Funds in Selected OECD Countries, OECD Working Papers on Insurance and Private Pensions, no 15 2008.
- Wheelan H., France's FRR Ups Vigilance, on Tax Haven Risk for Investments, Highlights Green Real Estate, Responsible Investor, 17.06.2009.
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