Warianty tytułu
Macroeconomic Effectiveness as a Measure of a Country's Resistance to Economic Crises
Języki publikacji
Podstawowym celem przeprowadzonego badania jest ocena, czy na podstawie odporności makroekonomicznej danego kraju formułować można kierunkowe prognozy w zakresie przyszłym zmian poziomu zatrudnienia oraz wzrostu gospodarczego. Badaniem objęto 19 wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej, dla których istniały w bazie OECD dane statystyczne charakteryzujące analizowane zmienne w 2007 r. (fragment tekstu)
An effective economic system should be able to resist crises in both the financial and the real spheres of the economy. This is true because the effective use of production factors characterises countries with high capital and labour productivity, efficient management processes and an appropriate institutional structure. During recession we face decreased capital use because access to external sources of financing is limited, the regulation of liabilities is slower, and the employment rate is lower. These factors in turn cause growth rates to fall. The decrease is larger when the smaller productivy factors characterise the given country's production. The causes of recession are first seen in the demand side of an economy. This paper examines the effectiveness of EU economies in the period 2001-2007. It does this by considering economic effects based on macroeconomic production, a method previously used to research economic effects at the microeconomic level. The comparative analysis will be conducted for two variants: absolute and normalised residuals. The results of an actual economic crisis could determine an eligible test for the correctness of our methodology, especially for measuring decreases in GDP. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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